Remote work has become commonplace in many businesses across the country. While this solution accommodates for the health and safety of your workforce, it is not without its challenges. Remote employees need your support to maintain their physical, social, mental, and financial well-being when working from home. As the COVID-19 pandemic wages on and the release of a vaccine becomes closer to reality, hope for the future consumes us all. But even after the pandemics impacts reduce, more employers are considering remote working environments a new reality for their organizations.
With an increasing number of employees working remote indefinitely, it will be important for businesses to take actions to support the well-being of their teams. There are many programs and initiatives you can implement to provide needed support, and the HR Toolkit – Remote Employee Well-being has detailed information on what you can do. From establishing a supportive remote work environment to well-being benefits that meet the needs of your employees, this resource has what you need.
Creating an environment that effectively addresses and supports employee well-being is a challenge that requires many considerations, to empower employees to succeed in this environment. Not all employees will face the same challenges, and your leadership should be prepared to review the unique needs of the individuals on your team. As your organization strives to improve employee well-being, resources in this toolkit can help.
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