You and/or your employees may be worried about the latest high-profile breach to hit the news. But remember, if you’re a Deluxe Provent® partner, you already have the protection tools needed: award-winning ID theft and fraud protection services.
Security incidents like Equifax’s recent data breach remind us that protecting sensitive information is more important than ever. Deluxe works with EZShield® to bring award-winning services* to help secure and monitor your employees’ personal and financial information. If employees are victimized by an identity theft crime or other breach event, our service works to restore their identity. This is a good time to remind your employees of Unland’s identity theft protection program you offer as part of your employee benefits package.
Of course, if you haven’t already signed up with Unland to provide Deluxe Provent services to the people at your business or organization, there is no time like the present. Identify theft and fraud protection services are occupying an ever more important space in the benefits world.
For additional information about your Provent program, email and type “Provent” in the subject line.
*2013, 2015, 2016 Best Overall Identity Protection Services Leader award by JAVELIN